Support ÎÞÂëÈËÆÞ School of Medicine
A donation to ÎÞÂëÈËÆÞ School of Medicine (MSM) gives current and prospective students
access to the kind of education that can inspire great discovery, innovation, and
transformation in healthcare. With your support, these students can go on to do incredible
things and further MSM’s mission to eliminate disparities and increase diversity in
Make your gift online today, and you’ll help MSM and its students thrive—and continue
to change the face of medicine.
Honors Scholarship: "A Call to Engage in the Academic Lives of Our Students"
To address the issue of debt associated with a medical school education, in 2009 we launched the MSM Honors Scholarship Initiative. The program provides support to a select number of first-year entering graduate students who have achieved academic excellence and demonstrate leadership and community stewardship during their undergraduate course of study.
Medical School Education: Education Debt
The nation has a critical need for primary care physicians. However, as the average compensation for primary care physicians is typically lower than that of specialists, primary care physicians may experience more difficulty repaying their medical education loans.
Your scholarship support to an MSM medical student will reduce the debt associated with a medical education and will encourage students to pursue family medicine and the specialties—Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Pediatrics, and Obstetrics/Gynecology—that are the bedrock of medical care.
Your Gift Ensures a Better Future
As Georgia and the United States at large begin to experience a shortage of health care professionals, MSM is responding. We’re expanding class sizes and keeping a sharp focus on our mission to provide medical care to underserved populations.
Your gift to MSM will help our students continue to serve these vulnerable communities and to boost the number of health care professionals in our country.